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August Madness


Group photo at Bob and Hyun Jeong’s wedding. 

Originally uploaded by 4ndrewScott.

Mt Buller Ski-Fest (well almost)
We followed up our trip to Cairns at the end of July with a trip to the ski fields, yep from 26 degrees to –2 degrees separated by 24 hours! We went with Claire, Benno, Sarah Mc and Chris, Claire’s Dad. While there was a lot of snow there was sadly also a lot of fog but we still hit the slopes for the three days we were there, and spent some quality time at the lodge most afternoons reading, and for Kate, learning to knit!

Two weddings in Perth
After being back in Melbourne for all of a week, and celebrating Kate’s birthday with her family, we jetted off to Perth for the weekend to join in the celebrations for the wedding of Bob & Hyun Jeong, as well as joining AD and Deepti as they celebrated their Australian marriage. It was a pretty busy weekend, we flew out on the 7.30pm flight on Friday night, and back on the 3.30pm Sunday flight but we packed in a whole lot of activities in the intervening hours. Saturday we had lunch with Andrew’s family and then headed off to Bob and Hyun Jeong’s wedding. Hyun Jeong is Korean, so while the church ceremony was a traditional Western event, the bride, groom and both sets of parents wore traditional Korean outfits to the reception. Bob’s outfit included ribbon bows at his ankles which we all thought showed them off the best advantage. Bob’s brother’s band, The Burgers of Beef, played several sets, and everyone had a great night on the dance floor. On the Sunday morning we joined AD and Deepti as they held their Australian ceremony in AD’s parent’s front yard. They dodged the rain clouds and the ceremony was as beautiful as their ceremony in India, if a little bit shorter! Pictures of both weddings are on Andrew’s flickr account.

Hard Yards in the Front Yard
Continuing on with our plans to re-do the front of our house before the end of the year we spent a very loud and dusty weekend removing all the concrete from our front yard. Unfortunately several of our neighbours chose the same weekend to hold garden parties but we hope the chocolates we popped in the letterboxes will go some way to making it up to them. Check out the photos of the full skip and jack hammer we hired to get the job done. Kate also went looking for plants with Claire and hopefully, after we have a truck-load of dirt delivered and remove a couple of trees, we’ll have a great front yard.

Modern Art from the Guggenheim
This winter, in fact for the last couple, the NGV has held the ‘Winter Masters’ exhibition and this year about 60 pieces from several on the Guggenheim museums are on display. Some of the pieces are pretty strange but on the whole we really enjoyed the exhibition, even the last piece which is a pile of cellophane-wrapped liquorice lollies which the artist asks you to take away and eat. Every morning the lolly pile is restocked to a weight determined by the artist. Modern art, well sometimes it’s a little odd. The audio guide is really good. It’s a video iPod and includes interviews with the artists and videos of them, and their pieces, in action.

Other events in August include:

  • Kate’s parents have placed their house on the market, auction date set for the 22nd Sept.

Posted by Kate on Sep 02 2007 under Scott News

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