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May, The Month That Was

Looking gorgeous

We kicked off May with a trip to Shepperton to visit the Phillips clan, celebrating the visit and recent marriage of Naomi to Charles. Kate was lucky enough to go to their wedding in Saltburn-by-the-Sea (UK) in February last year, and it was great to be able to celebrate with the extended Philips family, and catch up with the happy couple. Naomi and Charles also came to our place a couple of days later, as chance would have it they were staying with friends who also live in Kensington, and that provide a chance to actually talk, as getting a word in edge-wise up in Shep had been a challenge! Lots of aunts, cousins and second cousins keen to speak to Charles, and welcome him to the family. It was lovely to be a able to introduce Harriet to them both, after all the emails, phone calls and flickr photos.

May also saw Kate’s first Mothers Day (although we did have an unofficial celebration last year). Hariet gave her a lovely pair of earrings, although being too young to write, Andrew was left to compose the card. It was a little strange to be included in the Mothers Day toast at the family lunch (with Kate’s Mum and Nana) but lovely to feel part of a long line of mothers, and a very special inaugural celebration. Harriet up-ed the cuteness for the day, and there are some lovely photos on Kate’s flickr page, with both Nana and her Uncle Ben. Watching her eat the quince paste was certainly funny, she loved it!

It’s May so it must be Eurovision, and it must also be Tara’s house for her annual Eurovision party. Harriet came along, and was pretty good, although a little difficult to settle, we think she wanted to join the fun. Ah Europe, you offer so much to laugh at each and every year. There were lots of highlights throughout the telecast but Greece, where the stand out yet again for us. Who can’t help but love a country that puts a man in tight white pants, and open necked white shirt, on a giant stapler complete with the Greek flag? And with a travelator as well! Really, so much to offer, so little time…..

Harriet and Kate also treated Nana to her Christmas present, High Tea at Parliament House. We found out about it after our tour on Open Day last year and it was a lovely afternoon, in the Strangers Corridor at Parliament House. Lots of great cakes, sandwiches and tea, as one would expect. We also did a short tour afterwards, which Beryl and Lynne really enjoyed, seeing the chambers in person rather than on tellie.

We also took a trip up to the Dandenongs, for a Sunday out of town, buying too much tea at Tea Leaves, and eating a lovely lunch at Ripe, both in Sassafras. Kate saw a great MTC play, while Harriet and Andrew hung out at the NGV and we caught up with AD, Deepti and their gorgeous, growing daughter. Plus we took Harriet to the zoo for the first time, the butterfly house and the birds proving to be favourites.

Harriet milestones this month have included:

  • Backwards crawling, no front crawling as yet
  • Weighing in at 8kgs at her 8mth appointment
  • Discovering a love of food, but adult food only, she hates bland ‘baby’ stuff
  • Very strong when on her tummy, lots of reaching and playing
  • Has become very vocal, lots of ‘talking’
  • Is a bath loving fiend, with her Dad and her playing ‘it’s fun to wee on Dad’ – Harriet usually wins

Posted by Kate on Jun 05 2009 under Scott News

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